Events & Shows
Here are some photos of past events Thunder has attended. Stay tuned for future events Thunder will attend to display our brand-new products to the marketplace
NCSL International Workshop & Symposium

Denver, Colorado: July 6 - 11, 2024 - Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center.
Thunder Booth assignments - #4 and #19.

MSC - Measurement Science Conference

Anaheim California: March 26 - 28, 2024 - Disneyland Hotel and Convention Center.
Thunder Booth assignments - 206 & 208.

Thunders past event photos

Thunder Offers Training Events
Sign up for your training event today. Talk to the Sales department to schedule training on your new or existing Thunder equipment plus we provide on-site training for all Thunder models as well. We also provide field calibrations for our Model 1200, 2500 and newly added 2900 humidity generators.
Look under our Service menu and click on the “Field calibrations” link for more information on getting your calibration today.

Puerto Rican technical reps receive training