Thunder Calibration Services

Accredited Humidity Calibration Services

Get Quote Thunder Scientific's calibration laboratory is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), (NVLAP Lab Code: 200582-0), to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994; Part 1. Calibration services are available for Thunder's complete line of humidity generators. In addition, Thunder Scientific provides instrument calibration for virtually any humidity measurement device or dewpoint hygrometer.

Thunder Now Offers Guard Banding

What is Guard Banding?

Guard-banding is a technique to protect against incorrect statements of conformity caused by measurement uncertainty. With guard-banding the test limits are reduced in proportion to the actual measurement uncertainty. This helps reduce the False-Accept Risk of a device during calibration.

Guard Banding Levels:

  • Option 1 (No additional charge): Manufacturer’s and/or user’s specifications are listed in the calibration report; measured values greater than specification are identified. No conformance decision (Pass/Fail) is made or implied.
  • Option 2 Guard Banding (Additional charges apply): Conformance decision taking the measurement uncertainty into account using ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 Handbook Method 6, with a Probability of False Accept (PFA) of less than 2%. Formula: ALPFA2% = SL – U95% x [1.04 – e (0.38*ln (TUR) - 0.54)]
  • Option 3 Guard Banding (Additional charges apply): Conformance decision taking the measurement uncertainty into account using ANSI/NSCL Z540.3 Handbook Method 5 (conservative, tighter guard band approach deducting the measurement uncertainty from the upper and lower specification limits). Formula: AL = SL - U95%

Reason to Calibrate


Humidity ParameterRangeUncertainty
Volume ratio, V (PPM)0.1 to 3 PPM4.0% of value
Volume ratio, V (PPM)3 to 200 PPM2.0% of value
Volume ratio, V (PPM)200 to 400000 PPM0.1% of value
Dew/Frost Point Temperature-90 to < -80 °C0.50 °C
Dew/Frost Point Temperature-80 to < -70 °C0.20 °C
Dew/Frost Point Temperature-70 to < -35 °C0.10 °C
Dew/Frost Point Temperature-35 to < -27 °C0.05 °C
Dew/Frost Point Temperature-27 to 70 °C0.03 °C
Relative Humidity>0% to <5% RH0.02 %RH
Relative Humidity5 % to 98% RH(0.17% * R) + 0.016 %RH
Tests for response timeall rangesupon request
Tests for hysteresisall rangesupon request
Tests for stabilityall rangesupon request

Thunder Scientific has qualified calibration experience with a large inventory of humidity sensing equipment including psychrometers, hygrothermographs and RH/Temp data loggers. Thunder Scientific delivers your calibration with as found and as left calibration data per the guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Thunder's Calibration Laboratory

Thunder's Calibration Laboratory

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